Industry News

Get your gig ticket for happiness, research finds


Gig ticket distributors now have an extra selling point to target potential customers who need convincing that it is better to go out rather than stay in.

New research from Deakin University in the Australian state of Victoria has found that attending music events or going out dancing has a positive impact on mood, boosting happiness as a result.

The random study of 1,000 Australians found that the so-called Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) was “significantly higher” for those who go to gigs as opposed to those who “did not engage with music in those forms”.

The PWI takes into account aspects such as standard of living as well as achievements in life, community, connection, future security, health, relationships and safety.

The study’s authors, Melissa Weinberg and Dawn Joseph, said that the difference was particularly noticeable for gig-going, with “people who sang or danced in the company of others reporting higher scores on many domains of subjective wellbeing than those who engaged with music alone”.

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