Industry News

StubHub gets social

Mats Nilsson, StubHub’s head of product, has outlined how the ticketing company has “pivoted” to become more social.

Nilsson, who has worked for the company for six years, told Mashable that new features such as iMessage and a Facebook Messenger chatbot provide evidence that StubHub is thinking about how to bring people together.

“Before we were focused on access and choice,” Nilsson said.

“We were the first ones with electronic delivery. We’re never going to forget our history. What we’re pivoted to and have been pivoting too is we haven’t been a social experience before.”

According to Nilsson, StubHub recognised that people do not always go to events by themselves.

“You go with your friends, your family, your wife,” he added. “You have a lot of people out there who don’t get off their couch unless you have a friend.

“It’s not just that we want to drive you to a special event. It’s what has my network done or is doing.”

Regarding the Facebook Messenger chatbot, Nilsson added: “Facebook as the inventor of social is the big dog in town, and that’s why we’re implementing Facebook first.”