Industry News

Grillstock refunds still unanswered

More than 500 people have requested refunds for the cancelled Grillstock Festival, though only a few have been reimbursed.

The 2018 edition of the Bristol festival was reportedly cancelled a month before the event because the organisers faced a “very short time frame to deliver the operational elements of the event,” Bristol Live reported.

The event was due to take place from June 30 to July 1, with organisers inviting ticket-holders to keep their tickets for the 2019 edition, rather than issuing refunds.

Ticket Fairy, the event’s official seller, said it had been sending refund requests to Grillstock, with only a handful being paid before the money stopped coming out of the bank account.

In a letter to customers the ticket sales company said: “Ticket Fairy Support received 500-plus refund requests in a mere matter of days following the cancellation.

“We tried on multiple occasions to contact Grillstock to ascertain what had happened so that we might (a) respond to customers with facts and helpful information, and (b) work alongside them to resolve the matter with minimal disruption to all parties involved.

“However we received no response, and were left to face the ire of customers despite having no information and being as surprised and in the dark as they were.”

Ticket Fairy reportedly told customers that they had a right to refund and recommended they contact Grillstock directly to ask for their money back.

Karen Sheeran, one of hundreds of people still waiting for a refund, said, according to Bristol Live: “Grillstock cannot just go silent and walk away and hope that no-one notices when they are holding on to hundreds of people’s money. They cannot also expect banks to sort out their mess.”