More than one million tickets of the 1.8 million available have been sold for the 2019 Rugby World Cup in Japan.
The final sales round is set to kick off later this month, with the local organising committee striving for a complete sellout.
Ticket sales began in January 2018 with priority group lotteries, which resulted in more than 600,000 tickets sold.
General ticket sales began in September and after hitting the one million milestone, organisers look on course to achieve their projected total ticket revenue of 26bn yen ($236.4m/€209m/£189m).
Over 40 per cent of demand for tickets has come from outside Japan, meaning Rugby World Cup 2019 is on track to host the largest number of overseas visitors in the 30-year history of the tournament.
The next opportunity for the general public to purchase tickets begins on January 19 and ends in March, when first-come-first-served ticket sales commence.
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