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Bandsintown acquires Hypebot

Concert discovery service Bandsintown has acquired music industry news site Hypebot and its sister site MusicThinkTank.

Bandsintown lists itself as a “platform where artists and fans connect”. The site allows users to receive notifications about tours and bands playing in the user’s area and has tools for artists to manage tour dates.

Bruce Houghton, the founder of the news sites, said: “I’m proud to share that Hypebot and MusicThinkTank have been acquired by Bandsintown. Both sites will still operate as independent publications, which I will continue to edit.”

Fabrice Sergent, managing partner of Bandsintown, added: “We believe indie and emerging artists are a transformative and a vibrant component of the music industry.

“We share the same passion for independent and DIY artists. By welcoming Bruce and Hypebot into the Bandsintown family, we enhance the breadth of our support to the artists and further contribute to artists’ career growth and success.”

Houghton continued: “I began publishing Hypebot in 2004 in the midst of the music industry meltdown. From Myspace to MP3s, we’ve seen promising technologies come and go. But with streaming in its ascendancy and the tools that drive music discovery, marketing and monetisation maturing, we are fast approaching a time where the vision of Spotify CEO Daniel Ek and others ‘to enable one million artists to live off their work’ can be realised.

“Bandsintown is at the forefront of this inflection point. With 500,000 registered artists and 50 million registered live music fans, Bandsintown is uniquely positioned to help artists build a fanbase and a live touring career. I’ll be working alongside this music-loving team to leverage that knowledge and community to improve and build tools that can be as important to artists, promoters and labels as Bandsintown’s core concert listings have become.”

Bandsintown added that Houghton will “also step into an adviser role for Bandsintown with a specific focus on artist partnerships.”

Image: pxhere