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ASM adds iconic Södra Teatern to Swedish portfolio

ASM Global has been named as the new operator of Södra Teatern and Mosebacketerrassen in Stockholm, Sweden.

ASM has signed a long-term lease agreement with the property owners of Södra Teatern, one of Sweden’s oldest active theatres.

Until 2018, the theatre was owned by Riksteatern, a publicly funded theatre institution. It sold the real estate and the operating company Södra Teatern AB to the brothers Jakob and Mattias Johansson, who renovated the property for two years.

With the new agreement, ASM Global now takes over the management of the operating company and will manage Södra Teatern with its five stages, five bars, restaurant and famous rooftop Champagne bar and Mosebacketerrassen, the outdoor terrace with views all over the city.

Andreas Sand, general manager at Stockholm Live, ASM Global’s subsidiary in Sweden, said: “It feels fantastic to now be a part of and help elevate this classical venue’s continued development. Södra Teatern is already a great venue, which has evolved tremendously in recent years, both through careful renovation of the property but also modernisation of the business.

“There’s really no better place in the city to see local artists like Albin Lee Meldau, Petter or Weeping Willows than on Mosebacketerrassen.”

ASM Global operates Avicii Arena (formerly Ericsson Globe), Hovet and Annexet in Stockholm, adding the tourist attraction Skyview outside the Avicii Arena in 2010. It also operates Tele2 Arena and Friends Arena in Solna, with Södra Teatern to become the company’s sixth venue in Stockholm.

Image: Patrik Nylin/CC BY-SA 4.0/Edited for size