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Swansea Arena announces test events 

Swansea’s new arena will offer a taste of what is to come for music fans in the Welsh city, with two test events at the end of February.

The new venue is due to open in March and will test the waters with a variety of local acts on February 25-26.

‘Housewarming Part 1’ and ‘Part 2’ will feature Swansea-based artists such as Trampolene, The Now, Inscape and The Vega Bodegas on Friday, while Saturday will have performances from Prosperina, Pearler, Fallen Temples, Cities, Lost Tuesday Society, The Orange Circus and King Goon.

Once completed, Swansea Arena will form part of Swansea Council’s Copr Bay phase one district, and is projected to cost £135m ($183m/€160m).

The arena will be operated by Ambassador Theatre Group (ATG) and will feature an early comedy gig from Liverpudlian comedian John Bishop, with the first concert due to be performed by rock band Royal Blood.

Councillor Rob Stewart, Swansea Council Leader, said: “Test events for new venues of this kind are standard practice so everything can be assessed, fine-tuned and improved ahead of the arena officially opening in March. They’re a key part of the process that leads to the arena being able to operate at full capacity.

“These events will give the Swansea people the chance to take part in the testing of their arena, while enjoying some of the best local musical talent.”

Image: Swansea Arena