Featured image credit: Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
A Coventry exhibition surrounding the life and work of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo has welcomed almost 13,000 people.
Held at the Reel Store in the English city, ‘Life and Work of Frida Kahlo’ was due to close yesterday (Sunday) but has now been extended until February 26 because of its popularity.
The show opened in November and features more than 100 works of art, literary works and photographs. Kahlo’s personal diary was used to put the exhibition together.
Kahlo’s work is known for promoting indigenous Mexican culture and her experience with chronic pain.
The exhibition is a multi-sensory exhibition and combines a 360-degree projection, original soundtrack and hands-on display.
In collaboration with the Frida Kahlo Trust, international exhibition producer Acciona Cultura conceived, designed and produced the show.
The curatorial team behind the exhibition was led by Roxana Velásquez, executive director of the San Diego Museum of Art, and Deidré Guevara, curator of the exhibition ‘Frida and I’ at the Georges Pompidou Museum in France.
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