Communications app Close has partnered with Ticketmaster to provide the ticketing company’s customers with an improved digital customer experience.
Visitors will be able to find all event information in the Close app after purchasing their ticket thanks to an API link between Close and Ticketmaster. Buyers will be able to access the information as soon as the organiser releases it.
Relevant content and messages can help to increase engagement prior to the event, as well as during and after. Practical information can also be relayed to customers such as door opening times and the best place to park, or more fun entertainment can be displayed such as exclusive videos, quizzes and merchandise.
“The collaboration with a party like Ticketmaster is of great value,” said Kiliaan Toorenaar, chief executive of Close. “It ensures that we jointly offer the opportunity to approach every visitor with unique and personal information, up- and cross-sell and interactive surveys. This allows visitors to be well informed at all times on the one hand, and on the other hand to provide a complete experience and optimise the relationship with them.”
Barry de Ruiter Sr, Ticketmaster’s director of sales for North West Europe, added: “In addition to the effective way of communicating via email and social media, for example, we would like to give our clients the option of communicating with their visitors via mobile chat messages; before, during and after the event.
“These can be both service-oriented and commercial messages. Thanks to the collaboration with Close, Ticketmaster also makes it possible to communicate in this way – entirely in the look and feel of the event.”
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