Sales & Marketing

“Record results” – Everton’s Richard Kenyon Reflects on the First Year With Ticketmaster

Featured Image: Courtesy of Ticketmaster Sport/Everton

Image Credit: Photo by Tony McArdle, Everton FC via Getty Images

Featured Image: Courtesy of Ticketmaster Sport/Everton

Image Credit: Photo by Tony McArdle, Everton FC via Getty Images

A year after Everton teamed up with Ticketmaster Sport as its Official Ticketing Innovation Partner, the club has seen “record results,” according to Chief Commercial and Communications Officer Richard Kenyon.

“We’ve been really pleased with the progress we have made since we took the decision to partner with Ticketmaster. While one of the main drivers for us was to benefit from Ticketmaster’s experience when we move into our new state-of-the-art stadium on the Liverpool waterfront next year, we have already seen significant benefits in the first 12 months of the partnership,” said Kenyon.

“Some of these benefits are translating to record results for us in terms of online ticketing and membership transactions. And many of the benefits we have experienced stem from the reporting and analytics provided by Ticketmaster, which have enhanced our data-driven decision-making.”

During the first season together, Everton’s sales have increased across all ticketing products and memberships, with about 75% of transactions now online – a significant jump from the previous season. This trend aligns with the club’s aim to open the new stadium as a digital ticketing venue for the 2025/2026 season.

The user-friendly interface and streamlined checkout have made purchasing easier for fans, while the analytics have helped Everton optimise offerings and marketing, boosting conversion rates and revenue.

Another perk has been Ticketmaster’s resale platform, which has increased ticket resale by 20% in the 2023/2024 season, allowing more fans to attend games.

Chris Gratton, Managing Director at Ticketmaster Sport, said: “Since Everton joined the Ticketmaster family, it’s been so rewarding to see our tools and technologies deliver what the club needs, and more.   

“The club’s ticketing success, using our technology, has exceeded our collective expectations and, as we continue our partnership into the future and prepare the club for its move to the new stadium, we know we’re in a great position to continue to innovate and deliver for them.”   

Kenyon added: “Our relationship with Ticketmaster has got off to a great start and we’re confident that the long-term agreement we reached with them last year will continue to be of great benefit for the club and our supporters in the years to come.”