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IOC sanctions shooting federation over Tokyo 2020 ticket breach

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has taken aim at the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) after it was found to be breaking rules in its distribution of Tokyo 2020 hospitality packages.

The ISSF made packages available for sale that included the promise of “assistance” in obtaining tickets, accommodation and accreditation for next year’s Games. Under the Fundamental Rules of the International Federation Ticket Sales Guide for the Olympic Games, tickets must be used by governing bodies “as detailed in the IF’s Business Plan” and “cannot be resold” except under specific circumstances.

After being made aware of the breach, the IOC has revoked any request for further tickets from the ISSF for the Olympics and has warned the governing body in a letter that it could be subject to a formal investigation if new information emerges.

IOC sports director Kit McConnell said in a letter, obtained by InsidetheGames, that these kinds of packages were “not in compliance with the applicable rules,” and that the use of all accreditations handed out by the body will be monitored.

McConnell also cautioned the “ensuing behaviour of the ISSF shall be considered in the evaluation of the allocation of Olympic assets to the ISSF” for Paris 2024.

The letter added that the ISSF has escaped a more harsh punishment because it has cooperated with the IOC and removed its packages.

ISSF secretary general Alexander Ratner outlined the hospitality packages in a letter to a client earlier this year, with packages costing between £800 and £4,800.

“We have noted that within the ISSF Business Plan, it was not specified that the tickets allocated to the ISSF would be sold through packages, nor has this approval been requested from Tokyo 2020,” McConnell wrote.

“By breaching the above-mentioned Fundamental Rules, the ISSF has also breached articles one to three of the Code of Conduct that was signed on 27 June 2018.”

Image: Korea.net