Australia’s upcoming Test match against India will go ahead at the Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG) as originally scheduled, although the venue will operate at 25 per cent of its usual capacity amid a rise in COVID-19 cases in the city.
The attendance cap has been announced today following further advice from the NSW government, Cricket Australia and Venues NSW, with the safety of fans viewed as a priority. As a result, a revised socially distanced seating plan has been drawn up, with the match to be re-ticketed.
All fans who purchased tickets for the match will receive a full refund. Ticket holders will be given an exclusive window to repurchase tickets via Ticketek until tomorrow, with all remaining public tickets to be released at 12pm local time tomorrow.
Cricket Australia confirmed last week that the New Year’s Test would remain in Sydney and the announcement of the restricted capacity was made earlier today. The stadium had originally been due to operate at 50% of its 48,000 capacity but this has now been further reduced.
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Image: Marc Dalmulder/CC BY 2.0/Edited for size
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