Ticketing operators and other service suppliers can now enhance their communications with billions of Facebook users through the release of Login Connect with Messenger.
The new feature allows people to opt into communicating with a business through the Messenger platform right from the Facebook Login flow. With this new feature, Facebook said it is helping businesses cultivate better relationships with their customers by providing stronger customer care and more tailored engagement through the Messenger platform.
Login Connect with Messenger has been devised to enable a new entry point for customer message threads which can be a vital source of new conversations for businesses looking to build customer engagement through Messenger. It is also hoped to deepen new user engagement, with the ability to send personalised welcome messages, and enhance customer care.
Mexican online ticketing platform eTicket was one of the test partners for the feature and found that more than 85 per cent of their users opted in to receive outreach from the business on Messenger, and 60 per cent of all customer service inquiries were automatically answered by their Messenger bot. Additionally, 22% of their customers have used the Messenger thread created by Login Connect to continue to contact the business.
“Login Connect with Messenger unlocks a new level of efficiency and personalisation in customer care,” said Dare Obasanjo, product manager at Facebook.
“Powerful automation on the Messenger platform cuts down on the time businesses spend answering basic requests, to provide top-notch customer service and build repeat engagement.”
Login Connect with Messenger is currently in a closed beta but set to be rolled out broadly in the coming months.
Obasanjo added: “We’re thrilled to start rolling out Login Connect with Messenger, knowing the value it can create for the people and businesses in our community.”
Image: William Hook on Unsplash
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