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Industry News

How To Sell Out ticketing book hits the shelves

Featured Image: Joe Shellard

TodayTix senior director Joe Shellard has released his debut book How To Sell Out which covers a range of ticketing topics from the foundational aspects of pricing to sales to sales forecasting, customer segmentation and consumer psychology.

The book is aimed at producers and marketers and sees Shellard examine the impact of technological advancements and shifting consumer behaviours.

It acts as a handbook and also provides strategies that are adaptable to the changing dynamics of the ticketing business.

“Serving as your backstage pass to the world of ticketing, this essential guide covers ticketing strategy, economics and psychology to optimise your show for a sell-out success,” Shellard writes of the publication.

“It offers insights from one-night events to long-running hits, providing proven strategies to handle the unpredictable nature of shows, from getting a show on sale to maximising income with dynamic pricing.

“Learn how to set financial targets and navigate pricing – from the basics of the Yield-Occupancy Matrix to the nuanced tactics of premium tickets and the perils of discounting. Delve into the world of customer segmentation, consumer psychology and understand how predictive analytics can be used to forecast trends in your own ticketing data. Utilise tools like demand curves, marketing funnels and cognitive heuristics to optimise your show for success.”

The book draws upon Shellard’s career experience with ticketing technology, data, and live entertainment.

It has received praise from industry professionals such as ABBA Voyage executive producer Michael Bolingbroke and executive producer at the Royal Shakespeare Company, Griselda Yorke.

“Joe’s insights were an important element in the formulation of the strategies that led us to early success at the box office,” said Bolingbroke.

Yorke added: “This book is practical and insightful and will be an invaluable tool to anybody working on an effective ticketing strategy.”