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Chile’s Punto Ticket strikes three theatre deals

Chilean ticketing firm Punto Ticket has been named as the official ticketing partner for three theatres in the capital city of Santiago.

The four-year deals, starting on September 1, will include Santiago’s 4,500-capacity Caupolicán Theater, the Teletón Theater and Espacio Broadway.

Punto Ticket general manager Paulo Atienza, said: “Punto Ticket offers a solid, solvent brand, with a good business plan and a long-term vision that allows us to offer better quality, variety and relevance in the entire chain of services we offer.

“Punto Ticket has managed to generate alliances as important as this because we offer our customers increased sales and deliver an impeccable service. Finally, the time we have in the market and the work we do with our venues and producers are our best guarantee.”

The ticketing firm has provided services for concerts, such as Alice Cooper and The Kooks, plays, sports activities and festivals, among others. It also claims to lead the Peruvian market through Teleticket, one of the country’s leading agents, which it acquired in 2016. Teleticket is one of the two ticketing partners of the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima.

Atienza continued: “Developing strategic alliances allows for longer-term investments to improve the entire experience, both for producers of events and for those who consume them, refining the quality of service that is delivered to the entire chain. Having partnerships allows us to build a better future for everyone.”

Image: Carlos yo