Asia launches Google Pay feature has launched its Passes feature via Google Pay, making it the first technology provider to use the mobile payment service for tickets in the Asia Pacific region (APAC).

The new feature will debut in Australia ahead of the Santa Claus Pub Crawl in Sydney on December 8. The event is a 25-year-old charity initiative taking place in Wollongong.

“We’re honoured that has chosen our event to launch Google Pay. As an event that strives to provide the best experience for all its attendees, having Google Pay to streamline the ticketing process just adds to the uniqueness we are renowned for,” Neil Webster, Chairman of Santa Claus Pub Crawl for Charity, said, according to Aus Leisure.

“Over the years, we’ve worked closely with the amazing team at to make Santa Claus Pub Crawl just a little better each year, and now we think we’ve reached the pinnacle.” offers the benefits of Google Pay through integration with MyTickets – the patron-facing technology for managing inventory and account details.

MyTickets account holders can manage their tickets, add them to Google Pay, and enter participating venues.

Google Pay product manager Prakash Hariramani said: “We have created a rich ticketing experience that benefits users and partners. is a forward-thinking ticketing and technology provider that puts its clients’ patrons at the forefront of its development and now, by integrating with Google Pay, it continues to revolutionise the ticketing experience.”

Hayley Dobbs, service delivery manager at, added: “We are continuously seeking new developments to offer our partner venues the latest advances in technology and consumer trends, bringing increased efficiencies to the ever-increasing expectation of patrons for smart and secure mobile experiences.”

Image: Cory Doctorow