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Event Genius Pay enters African market for first time

Event Genius has signed a new cashless payment deal with Afro Nation for the festival’s first African outing in Ghana this December.

The technology provider will its Event Genius Pay technology to Africa for the first time, having already partnered with various festivals and events across Europe and Asia.

Afro Nation Ghana will use the white label box-office, powered by Event Genius, and the Ticket Arena website to promote the event, drive ticket sales and allow festival goers to top up their wristbands in advance. Access control for the festival will be managed via the Entry Genius app.

The cashless system uses RFID technology to allow fans to pre-purchase credit to pay for food, drink and merchandise at the festival with a tap of their wristband.

Event Genius’ cashless technology helps to shorten queues into the festival and at bars, and any unspent credits can be claimed back after the festival ends. The company’s consumer analytics will provide insights into customer spending habits and behaviours for organisers.

Obi Asika, chief executive of Afro Nation and Event Horizon Entertainment, said: “We’re delighted to partner with a ticketing and technology company capable of providing a true end-to-end event platform for the inception of Afro Nation.

“Through our partnership with Ticket Arena and Event Genius, fans are assured the best possible experience from buying tickets, to entering the festival safely and ultimately enjoying their time dancing on the beach under the sun, without the need to worry about money or queues for drinks.”

Afro Nation Ghana will welcome 15,000 festival-goers to Laboma Beach to celebrate a weekend of afro beats, hip hop, r’n’b, dancehall and bashment.

The Ghanaian government is seeking to hit its goal of a cashless society by 2030, with the number of ‘mobile money’ accounts – managed via mobile phones – growing from 3.8 million in 2012 to 32.6 million at the end of 2018.