Featured image credit: Qatar 2022
Non-ticket-holders for the upcoming FIFA World Cup in Qatar will now be able to enter the country during the football tournament, as long as they have approval from an existing ticket-holder.
The Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy has updated the rules, which previously stated that international visitors travelling to Qatar would only be allowed into the country if they held a match ticket.
The Hayya with Me policy will enable three other travellers to fly to Doha alongside one match ticket-holder, meaning football fans can bring friends or family with them.
While the revised scheme will enable more people to travel to the country during the World Cup, it still restricts a large amount of people without tickets descending on Qatar.
All international travellers will have to apply for their own Hayya card and require a voucher code from the ticket-holder in the group. Travellers without a ticket can be of any age as long as they have their own passport and children under the age of 18 can be added as a dependent to an existing Hayya card.
Those that have an approved Hayya card will also have free access to Qatar’s public transport, even if they are not attending football matches.
The revised rules will mean people can enjoy the FIFA Fan Festival, which will serve as a viewing area for all 64 games and include events such as concerts.
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